Tag Archive | troubles

Taking my own advice

My last blog post was a bit of advice about sharing your troubles and triumphs and seeking out a network of support.  I don’t give advice very often, so when I do, I make sure it is something worth listening to.  Since I know that this last bit of advice was valuable, I am taking it upon myself to follow it, and to reach out to you, dear reader, for support.

First–my triumphs!  After my vacation to Texas, Colorado, and Utah, it took at least another three weeks for me to add any semblance of exercise back into my routine.  As each day passed, then each week, I felt more and more discouraged.  How was I ever going to get back on track?  How much progress had I lost?  What was going to happen when I tried that first push-up or set out to run that first mile?  Then something happened that forced me to get started: I tried on my bridesmaid’s dress for my friend’s upcoming wedding, only to discover that it didn’t fit.  I was devastated.  Had I really put on that much weight in those few weeks?  And what was I going to do?  The wedding was five weeks away!  Of course, my dear sweet friend/boyfriend/personal trainer was there by my side.  He said (and still says, even though there are only four weeks remaining), that with a little hard work I will look and feel great in that dress.  But I had to get started.  So one day I set out to run the mile-long loop near my house, expecting disaster.  And you know what?  I ran that whole mile.  Bam.  I was shocked, and proud.  I was not starting back at square one!  Hooray!  I have since done a few short workouts and am still feeling a profound sense of relief that I am not starting over from scratch.

And now, my troubles.  Although I have done a few workouts, my exercise routines are not as strong as they were.  I don’t have the same mentality and focus that I had before.  I find myself trying to postpone my workouts, and make up excuses or reasons avoid them.  In addition, my healthy eating habits are still struggling to recover from my vacation, and I know I need to make that change if I’m going to reach my goal of fitting in that dress in four weeks.

So I’m reaching out to you, dear friends, with the hope that you can give some suggestions or advice or insight or motivation to help me stay on track and keep making changes for the better.  What helps you make that initial jump?  What helps you stay focused and committed?  What keeps you going when the going gets tough?

I greatly appreciate your suggestions and inspiration.  Thank you for all your love and support!!

Share your troubles, share your triumphs

I want to first send out a giant thank you to everyone who is reading my blog, and for all the encouragement and support that I have received.  It has been a huge help for me to be able to share my story with you.  It feels like I have a network of supporters backing me up, and I feel more accountable for following through with my goals because I don’t want to let you down.

I want to encourage you to share your own experiences with someone.  I know that this world can seem to isolate you and make you feel like your problems are silly or your achievements are insignificant.  Let me be the first to tell you–they’re not.  The trick is simply to find the right person or people to share with.  

Hopefully you have a supportive network of family and friends–start there.  Describe what you’re going through and why it’s causing you distress.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Be specific.  And keep the conversation going–let your friend(s) know how things change and develop for you, including how things change for the better.

If you confide in someone and they don’t respond well, try not to be discouraged.  That person has their own set of stresses and concerns, and it may not be the right time for them to hear what you have to say.  Try again.  Ask a different friend or family member.  Make sure that you reciprocate and are responsive to their concerns; demonstrate compassionate listening and perhaps they will respond in kind.

If you are having a difficult time confiding in your family or friends, or if you have a specific concern that those closest to you can’t relate to, there are other ways to seek support.  Try looking for an online support group.  Or look in your community for groups or individuals with similar situations or interests.  Can you confide in your yoga teacher?  How about your dentist?  Try a doctor or a therapist.  Or you could post anonymously online on a live journal or help forum.  You could always write a blog.

But for your sake, try it.  Seek that support.  Don’t underestimate the value of a listening ear or an encouraging word.  Keep looking for that person who will say, “I understand” or “I believe in you.”  It has made a huge difference for me, and maybe it will for you, too.  Maybe it will give you that little boost or continued motivation that you need to make a change.  It is never too late to change your life for the better.