Tag Archive | weight gain

Nothing will change, unless something changes

An Update!

On Dec 19, I had an appointment with my endocrinologist.  Everything seemed typical: I signed in, was called to the back, had my temperature and blood pressure taken, and stepped on the scale.  Then, what should have been a painless part of the process was suddenly and dramatically relevant–I had gained almost 20 pounds since my last appointment three months prior.  I was shocked – I had no idea that I had put on that much weight.  My endocrinologist was surprised too.  Along with my typical blood work to check my prolactin levels, he wanted to check my thyroid function as well, to rule out the possibility that thyroid dysfunction was causing me to gain weight.  I was frustrated and confused.  How could I have gained 20 pounds?  I ate well, didn’t I?  I was trying to get more exercise, wasn’t I?  I was focused on my health, right?

After just a couple of days, I received the results of my blood work; it’s good news!  My prolactin level is down to 14.3 (down from 18 three months before) and my thyroid function is normal. 

But now I am left with the reality of the situation: my efforts at getting healthy and losing weight amounted to little more than a constant anxiety and a string of ups and downs, which ultimately led me to be less healthy than before.  I am extremely grateful that my thyroid is functioning normally and that it wasn’t “something else” causing new health problems.  The idea of more tests and the possibility of more medication is uncomfortable to say the least.  But I received a valuable reality check from this experience – just because it wasn’t “something else” this time doesn’t mean it won’t be next time.  If I don’t get my act together and make some changes, I very well might end up with “something else” to tackle in the future.  I don’t want it to take one reality check too many before I start taking my health seriously.  

So now is the time to make changes, because without that conscious action on my part, nothing will ever change.