Tag Archive | future

Sometimes you just have to hit “Reset”

Home.  Work.  Health.  Relationships.  Family.  Friends.  Finances.  It is so easy in today’s world, with so much to juggle, for things to fall out of balance.  I won’t give you details and examples, because I know you see it every day in your own life and the lives of those around you.  And I won’t go into detail about the virtues of balance, because that deserves a whole post of it’s own.  Let’s just leave it at this: I’m pretty sure balance is the secret to life.  Which also highlights the importance of the “Reset” button, which I call upon whenever I find things have fallen too far in any one direction.

My “Reset” process always starts with cleaning the house.  I know that everyone has different priorities, but I find that I can’t clear my head and organize my thoughts unless the space around me is clear and organized.  And the process of cleaning the house is meditative for me–I find that as I tidy and scrub, step by step, my mind and body relax and allow me to see things from a new perspective.

It’s also helpful to have a good understanding of your current situation.  So to recap, here’s mine:  I have a good life.  I have a decent apartment, a fluffy kitty, a steady job, a lovely boyfriend, and wonderful friends and family.  Most aspects of my life are strong, positive, and nourishing.  The one thing that has continued to stand out as a major negative aspect of my life, is my health.  My concerns with my health can be broken down into two categories: 1) I have a pituitary adenoma, a tumor that causes hormonal imbalance.  Not much has changed on this front–I continue to take medication daily in the hopes that the tumor will shrink and eventually disappear.  I have an appointment on Dec 19th to check my progress.  And 2) I have back, knee, and foot pain and chronic fatigue.  I have been struggling with this for five or six years, obviously it is very discouraging.  But it is also within my control to research and treat, and to seek out professionals as I see fit.  It is to both of these issues that I have dedicated this blog, to chronicle my journey of healing.

In the spirit of the “Reset” button, I won’t dwell on my past failures and frustrations, or complain about old habits that die hard.  You probably know that story by heart anyway.  Instead, I am taking this opportunity to look to the future, regain my focus, and make a plan.  I have joined a Get-Healthy Challenge (see http://everythingerica.com/2013/11/11/get-healthy-before-new-years-challenge/) to give me a way to track my healthy habits and find peer support.  I have started working out again with my boyfriend as my guide (yay me! If you knew how hard he makes me work, you’d cheer too).  I have been going to a chiropractor twice a week, and a bodywork massage specialist about once a month and I think these appointments are helping.  And now, finally, I have started blogging again, giving me some outside accountability and motivation to keep learning and sharing.  Honestly, I feel completely ready to move forward.

Ready, and….. RESET

Thank you for following my story.  I look forward to sharing more with you soon.